
Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Rev 2

The Sense HAT has an 8×8 RGB LED matrix and a five-button joystick, and includes the following sensors:

  • Gyroscope
  • Accelerometer
  • Magnetometer
  • Temperature
  • Barometric pressure
  • Humidity
  • Colour and brightness

Schematics and mechanical drawings for the Sense HAT and the Sense HAT V2 are available for download.

LED matrix

The LED matrix is an RGB565 framebuffer with the id RPi-Sense FB. The appropriate device node can be written to as a standard file or mmap-ed. The included snake example shows how to access the framebuffer.


The joystick comes up as an input event device named Raspberry Pi Sense HAT Joystick, mapped to the arrow keys and Enter.
It should be supported by any library which is capable of handling inputs, or directly through the evdev interface. Suitable libraries include SDL, pygame and python-evdev.
The included snake example shows how to access the joystick directly.


The Raspberry Pi Sense HAT is an add-on board that gives your Raspberry Pi an array of sensing capabilities. The on-board sensors allow you to monitor pressure, humidity, temperature, colour, orientation, and movement. The 8×8 RGB LED matrix allows you to visualise data from the sensors. The five-button joystick lets users interact with your projects.

The Sense HAT was originally developed for use on the International Space Station as part of the educational Astro Pi programme run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in partnership with the European Space Agency. It can help with any project that requires position, motion, orientation, or environmental sensing.

An officially supported Python library provides access to the on-board sensors, LED matrix, and joystick. The Sense HAT is compatible with any Raspberry Pi device with a 40-pin GPIO header.

SKU: SC0329 Categories: ,
Weight0.08 kg
Dimensions6 × 8 × 4 cm